
Netizens express dismay over Boracay flooding

DUBAI: Apparently dismayed at the state the world-famous Boracay Island has fallen with the onset of the rainy season, netizens took to social media posting photos of what appeared to be widespread flooding caused by hampered by ongoing road repairs.
According to media reports, heavy rains triggered flash floods in Boracay Island yesterday amid ongoing rehabilitation efforts.

The flooding was apparently caused by enhanced monsoon rains due to tropical storm “Falcon.”

Inquirer reported that a portion of the main road in Barangay Balabag was briefly impassable due to flooding.

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The flooding affected Barangay Balabag and parts of Barangay Yapak, the report said citing Catherine Fulgencio, municipal disaster risk reduction officer of Malay town in Aklan where Boracay is located.

The floodwaters reached three feet high in some areas; flooding was also reported in D’Mall commercial complex, still according to the Inquirer report.

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