
Finland's new Prime Minister wants to introduce short work-week

Finland’s 34-year-old Prime Minister is introducing a flexible working schedule of four days a week and six hours a day.

Prime Minister Sanna Marin said this work schedule would allow workers to spend more time with their families.
Marin had been advocating for shorter work weeks to improve productivity and rapport with employees back when she was Minister of Transport.
But is this really effective?
According to a Daily Mail report, neighboring country, Sweden had tried it out back in 2015.
Results showed that employees became happier, wealthier, and more productive.
In November 2019, Microsoft Japan introduced a three-day weekend for its employees in a bid to improve work-life balance. Results showed that their productivity went up by a staggering 40 percent.
Minister of Education Li Andersson, the leader of the Left Alliance has welcomed the proposal saying it is important to allow Finnish citizens to work less.

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