
134 BuCor detainees freed in time for Christmas season

A total of 134 inmates were released at the Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) from December 24 to 25 – just in time for them to spend Christmas with their families.

On Christmas Eve, the Philippines’ Bureau of Corrections freed 59 parolees and 47 Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDL) returnees totaling of 106 individuals.

Meanwhile, another batch of 28 inmates composed of 25 PDL returnees and 3 regular release by acquittal were also included in time for them to reunite with their families for the holidays.

A statement issued by BuCor on December 24 asserting that it is ‘a timely gift for PDL returnees to be with their loved ones this Yuletide Season.’

“It is customary that BuCor free inmates in time for Christmas season. But this time is extra special because of the case of the PDL returnees,” the agency added.

The order of President Rodrigo R. Duterte under the campaign of USEC Gerald Q. Bantag made the release of PDL possible through the expedited processing of documents.

According to SJO3 Albert Manalo and Atty. Julie May C. Taguiam, the continuous release of PDLs and returnees are to be expected in the following days with the process at its full speed.

Staff Report

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