
Death will be ‘optional’ in 27 years, experts claim

It may be hard to believe but two genetic engineers have claimed that the once inevitable death could simply be an option and this option would be available sooner than we think.

In the book The Death of Death released recently, authors and genetic engineers José Luis Cordeiro and David Wood claimed that death will be optional by 2045, merely 27 years from now, reported thinkspain.

Cordeiro and Wood claimed that the answer to the problem is by treating “aging” as an illness and funding studies that will look into the possible cure to aging.

The authors suggested nanotechnology to achieve this which entails “eliminating dead cells from the body, repairing damaged cells, treatments with stem cells and ‘printing’ vital organs in 3D.”

Cordeiro and Wood added that another key to achieving “immortality” is to lengthen the “telomeres” which is the DNA tail responsible for aging. The authors explained that shorter “telomeres” means accelerated aging.

In terms of price of the treatment, Cordeiro and Wood said that it will be similar to the cost of a mere smartphone saying, “At first, it’ll be expensive, but with a competitive market the price will gradually fall because it’ll be something that benefits everyone.”

“Technology, when it’s new, is poor and extremely expensive, but it eventually becomes democratic and mainstream and becomes cheaper.”

If successful, this means that the only way for humans to die is through accidents and not through natural causes and illnesses. The authors said that they believe that cancer, one of the deadliest illnesses in the world, will be curable in ten years.

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