
Baby for sale| 2 suspects in illegal adoption arrested

A nun and a shelter worker were arrested in India after allegedly selling a baby for a thousand US dollars.

The Missionaries of Charity, founded by Mother Teresa, shelters unwed mothers. The worker in question, Anima Indwar, was arrested last week after a complaint from an Indian couple who claimed paying $1760 for a baby boy.

Police officer Aman Kumar said that the police are investigating three more complaints against Indwar for selling children. The police also recovered the money in question from the suspects.

Missionaries of Charity Spokesperson Sunita Kumar defended the charity and asserted that the charity has not taken any money for its previous adoptions.

“There was no question of selling any child as the Missionaries of Charity had stopped giving children for adoption three years ago,” she said.

Meanwhile, twelve pregnant women were transferred from the charity to a government-run shelter to avoid future incidences while the boy involved is being cared for by a state-run organization.

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