
5 vinegar brands contain synthetic acetic acid

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has released a list of vinegar brands containing synthetic acetic acid on Tuesday.

In an advisory released on the FDA’s website, the following brands contain synthetic acetic acid: Surebuy Cane Vinegar, Tentay Pinoy Style Vinegar, Tentay Premium Vinegar, Tentay Vinegar Sukang Tunay Asim and Chef’s Flavor Vinegar.

The FDA said the products were subjected to a test called Permangante Oxidation Number (PON), a method used to analyze the quality of vinegar.

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“Any artificial matter such as synthetic acetic acid or any clouding agent deems the vinegar adulterated hence, it must not be sold to the public,” the advisory said.

The FDA also clarified that the advisory is not saying it’s unsafe for the public, it only means that the vinegar is below acceptable standards.

“The presence of synthetic acid merely represents that the vinegar did not undergo fermentation, either through a slow process, quick process, or submerged culture process which is used for commercial vinegar production,” the advisory explained.

Staff Report

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