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LOOK: UAE Vice President takes a bicycle ride on Dubai’s newest cycling lane

@HHShkMohd Twitter

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of UAE and Ruler of Dubai, took a bicycle ride on the Jumeirah cycling lane.

The new cycling lane is built along Dubai’s Jumeirah Beach and will help the Emirate become the most bicycle-friendly city in the world.

“As part of my field follow-up today, I inspected the new bike path adjacent to Jumeirah Beach”, the Dubai Ruler tweeted.


“A beautiful path that we add to 520 km of bike paths in Dubai, which pass across the most beautiful landmarks across the city,” His Highness added.


Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid also assured his social the public that he would continue to do field inspections until he witnessed the day that Dubai becomes the best city in the world to live in.

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