Some netizens explained that work experience in the Philippines is very important for millennials who are planning to work overseas. Because, “they have to completely prepare as a whole, since being an OFW is a choice and a privilege. A choice for them to grow and a privilege for them to show their expertise around the world.”
Life coach Efren Elane explained that the migration of young people isn’t just a millennial phenomenon. He said that even during his time (baby boomer), about half of his high school mates in Olongapo City worked for the US Navy and one for the US Air Force. According to him, children of US Navy workers in Olongapo City were aware of opportunities to work and migrate to the United States.
“Migration for work is motivated by available better career opportunities. Then and even now,” Elane said.
Greater opportunities
“Worldwide career opportunities have been made possible by global regional economic integration where the exchange of goods and services are made much easier to happen,” he added.
“So, our millennials’ choices aren’t limited in our country anymore. They can be adventurous to be in search of better employers, much better pay, and even much better working environment and culture which all remain to be the three top reasons for people retention or attrition,” he further explained.

Working abroad is not easy. Elane said that cultural, lifestyle, language, and work habits are among the more difficult changes, millennials may face in starting anew abroad.
“Continual learning and better life opportunities may await our millennials abroad. And so do risks of any kind, which we can imagine. Our national trait for agility can serve our millennials well in their period of adjustment in another country,” Elane said.
Showing themselves globally
Even though the environment has a profound effect on workers who are often impressionable. A positive environment and experience should speed the millennials up to mature.
“Our millennials will be leaving their comfort zone. So they should expect all kinds of difficulties. Having a support group of fellow Filipinos may be helpful for their adjustments,” he said.
Elane also encouraged everyone to follow the appropriate steps before working abroad to avoid any harms and risks they might face, when they do other means.
“As long as our millennials take the established route, which is through a manpower agency actively engaged and licensed by POEA, which has POEA approved authority to hire for a specific job opening, then our millennial applicant should have a very low risk of being duped by illegal recruiters,” Elane said.