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Jhong Hilario graduates magna cum laude

Courtesy of: Jhong Hilario

‘It’s Showtime’ host and Makati Councilor Jhong Hilario has reached another milestone after graduating magna cum laude at the Arellano University.

In a TV Patrol report, Jhong graduated with a degree on Political Science on top of his career on show business and as city councilor.

Jhong was seen wearing a toga and even danced briefly on the stage when asked by his fellow graduates. Joining Jhong in the event was his partner Maia Azores and their daughter Sarina.

“Ito yung bayad-utang ko sa mga magulang ko… Lahat ng parents, gugustuhing makatapos ng pag-aaral mga anak nila. Ang lahat ginagawa nila, nagtatrabaho sila nang marangal para makapagpaaral ng mga anak,” he said in an interview with TV Patrol.

“Heto na ‘yon! Kahit late na, at the age of 46, at least buhay pa ang parents ko,” he added.

Netizens lauded Jhong over his new milestone.

“A person with the right direction will always find his way to reach his goal. Jhong you are an inspiration to many. Congratulations,” a netizen said.

“Congratulations. There’s no age limit in seeking greater education. You are a role model Jhong,” another netizen commented.

Staff Report

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