
How did Jim Paredes’ video leak online?

Some netizens are wondering how veteran singer and former APO Hiking Society Jim Paredes’ private video leaked online.

Even Paredes himself said that he does not know how the video found its way to the internet since it was meant to be private.

Based on the five-minute video, it appears that Paredes was talking to someone via video call.

He was sticking out his tongue and touching his private parts while signaling the person on the other line to keep what they are doing a secret.

However, it remains unclear where the said video came from. It is also unknown if it was Paredes who recorded himself or if someone got a hold of the file. Some netizens are also questioning if the release of the video is a spyware concern.

As of press time, authorities have not yet released a statement if they will be conducting an investigation about Paredes’ video.

To recall, Paredes came clean yesterday and said that it was truly him who was in the video scandal that has been circulating online.

After claiming that it was “fake”, Paredes posted a blog entry wherein he owned up to the controversial video but said it was not meant for public consumption.

The 67-year-old singer is a known critic of the current administration and he suspects that the release of his private videos is something politically-motivated.

“I can only surmise that in this ugly season of toxic politics, muckrakers determined to neutralize my influence by violating my privacy and digging up dirt on me are at work,” he said.

He said that he is “a flawed person, a human being, much like everyone else”. The 67-year-old singer also admitted that he made a mistake and that he is sorry for it.

Paredes also apologized to his family who was affected by the controversy.

“I stand in bottomless sorrow and contrition before my family who is reeling from the hurt and aggravation, and the embarrassment and shame, that should only be mine. I pray that they are spared any more wicked trolling by those who would revel in their pain,” Paredes said.

After the controversy, Paredes has changed the privacy settings of his social media accounts.

Staff Report

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