
Gary Valenciano returns home after heart surgery

Mr. Pure Energy Gary Valenciano has been discharged from the hospital a week after recuperating from his heart surgery.

Valenciano’s wife and talent manager Angeli Pangilinan shared the news on Instagram on Sunday morning, May 13.

“Last tube out! ‘Let’s get this guy home.’ The cardiologist Dr. Enrique Posas said! God gave me, my mom, our sisters, Samantha, my nieces, my staff, my children & Mamita a wonderful gift,” Pangilinan’s post read.

Valenciano also thanked the nurses and doctors who took care of him during his week-long stay in the hospital.

Gary has always had unbelievable challenges. He was born and went straight to an incubator as he almost died, having been 10 months in his mom’s womb. When everything was coming up roses, he had to go to the CCU again for yet another challenge yesterday but overnight he conquered it and it so happened that @gabvalenciano was the “bantay” last night overnight at the coronary ICU. So I was able to sleep! yey! What a wonderful mother’s day present from the Lord ! Walking in the hospital corridors on his way to the 16th floor to thank the nurses and doctors who took care of him… I could only praise God for his sweet surprises. Time to go home and renew his energy. And His timing is so wonderful – he is coming home on Mother’s Day! God is good. #garyvisgoinghome #garyvalenciano #thevalencianos

A post shared by Angeli Pangilinan Valenciano (@angelipv) on

“I could only praise God for his sweet surprises. Time to go home and renew his energy. And His timing is so wonderful – he is coming home on Mother’s Day! God is good,” Pangilinan said.

Valenciano’s son, Gab, likewise shared the news to his Instagram followers by posting a photo of his father with the text, “Time to go home.”

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