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4 dead after drowning in Batangas, Quezon on Good Friday

Four persons drowned in separate incidents in the provinces of Batangas and Quezon Province.

In an Inquirer report, Batangas police said that one of the victims was identified by her relatives during a religious outing in San Juan, Batangas.

At around 1:40PM, a religious paster saw the victim floating in the swimming pool.

The victim was found by rescuers and she was brought to the nearest hospital and declared dead on arrival.

Another male victim was found in another resort in Batangas at around 8:50PM.

He was taken into the district hospital and died after being brought to the hospital.

Another drowing victim was found dead in a river in Batangas town of Tuy.

In Quezon, another man’s body was found dead at Barangay Talao-Talao in Lucena City, Quezon.

Based on police report, the victim had a drinking spree the night before and decided to take a
swim. But instead of sleeping after swimming the victim decided to stay in the water.

Authorities are now investigating the drowning incidents.

Staff Report

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