
Sony introduces a device that can keep your body cool

Looking for ways to stay cool amidst the scorching summer heat in the UAE?

How about you take a look at Sony’s The Reon Pocket? This new program comes in a small device that slips into the back of a specially design shirt.

With just one touch on your smartphone, this shirt can keep you cool or warm according to the user’s preference.

How cool is that?

The device can cool a user’s body temperature by 13 degrees Celsius or raise it by about eight degrees. The user also has the discretion to adjust the temperature with his smartphone via Bluetooth.

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Its battery life will last up to 1 hour and 30 minutes. Don’t worry if it runs out of power, you can recharge it for two hours.

Currently, Sony is still crowdfunding for this project. However, if all goes well, it should be available around March 2020.

Sony also plans to initially release it in Japan for a starting price of 12,760 yen (Dh432).

Sizes that are available are small, medium or large for men. There’s no word yet if there’s one for women.

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