
Court extends guard’s jail sentence to three years for attempting to rape Filipina

The security guard who attempted to molest and threatened to kill a Filipina housemaid in Dubai had his sentence extended from three months in jail to three years after attempting to appeal the initial ruling.

Following the release of the initial appeal, the Asian security guard appealed for the sentence before the Dubai Appeals Court. The court, however, decided to extend the jail sentence to three years followed by immediate deportation, reported Gulf Today.

According to the Filipina, the security guard opened the gate for her after she went to buy groceries at a nearby supermarket. The security guard then offered to help the Filipina carry the grocery items she bought.

Despite her refusal, the security guard insisted to help her.

At the fourth floor of the building, the security guard began hugging the Filipina and told her to go with him. The security guard also attempted to remove the Filipina’s pants and threatened her life.

The woman was eventually able to break loose and run towards her residence.

Before the Dubai Court of First Instance, the security guard denied the allegations despite his admission to the police prior to the hearing.

Evidence also showed semen traces were found on the Filipina’s clothing which matched the security guard’s DNA.

Staff Report

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