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Must-see major lunar events in UAE this 2025

Photo courtesy: WAM

This 2025, UAE residents can look forward to an exciting lineup of cosmic wonders, as the Emirates Astronomical Society has identified 16 celestial events set to light up the skies throughout the year.

The spectacle began with the conjunction of the Moon with Venus and Saturn on January 3, followed by the occultation of Saturn by the Moon on January 4.

Skywatchers will be treated to another captivating sight this month, as the full moon will occult Mars (post-sunset) on both January 13 and 14.

Speaking with Emirates News Agency (WAM), Ibrahim Al Jarwan, Board Chairman of the Emirates Astronomical Society and a member of the Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences, highlighted the major celestial events to watch for in 2025.


January 3: The Moon will align with Venus and Saturn (post-sunset)
January 4: The Moon will pass in front of Saturn, temporarily obscuring it from view through occultation. (post-sunset)
January 13-14: Full moon occultation of Mars (post-sunset)


February 1: The Moon will approach Venus closely (post-sunset)


March 2: The crescent Moon will align with Venus in a conjunction (post-sunset)
March 13-14: A total lunar eclipse, or “blood moon,” will occur, turning it into a reddish hue (nighttime)
March 29: Partial solar eclipse


June 22: The crescent Moon will align with Venus and the Pleiades star cluster (pre-sunrise)


July 22: Conjunction of the crescent moon, Venus, and Jupiter (pre-sunrise)


August 19-20: The crescent Moon will pass near Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury, creating a close planetary alignment (pre-sunrise)


September 7: The second total lunar eclipse of the year will occur
September 21: A partial solar eclipse will occur, with part of the Sun covered by the Moon.


October 6: The Harvest Moon, the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox, will light up the night sky (post-sunset)


November 5: The closest supermoon since 2019 (post-sunset)


December 4: The Cold Moon (full moon closest to the winter solstice) (post-sunset)

Be sure to mark your calendars and keep an eye on the skies—these cosmic displays are not to be missed!

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