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AFP downplays Chinese PLA uniforms found in Porac POGO

The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) is downplaying the discovery of Chinese People’s Liberation Army uniforms in the raided Philippine Offshore Gaming Operator (POGO) hub in Porac, Pampanga.

AFP Spokesperson Colonel Francel Padilla said that the supposed uniforms were probably used as props.

Padilla said POGO operations are known to engage in various illegal activities, including online scams.

“The presence of Chinese military uniforms may likely be used as props in these illicit online transactions,” she said.

The AFP official also added that the limited number of uniforms indicates more deceptive activities than invasion.

“The limited number of PLA (People’s Liberation Army) uniforms found suggests they are more indicative of use in deceptive activities rather than any preparation for an invasion,” she said.

Padilla added that the AFP does not want to create unnecessary panic in the public.

“Rest assured, the AFP is committed to protecting the people and securing the state. We are fully cooperating with PAOCC’s ongoing investigation to clarify this matter,” she added.

Staff Report

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