In a heartwarming incident, a young boy named JC from Aurora recently enjoyed what he believed to be a scrumptious meal from a popular fast food chain, only to discover that his lunch was actually homemade adobong sitaw.
The amusing moment was captured in photos that quickly went viral on Facebook.
JC’s aunt, Maricris Soriano Hungriano, shared the pictures on May 2, showing the boy grinning with excitement, thinking he was about to indulge in a burger steak meal. Little did he know that the food pack contained adobong sitaw, a Filipino dish made with string beans cooked in soy sauce and vinegar, along with a cup of rice.
Hungriano humorously captioned her post, “Darating ang panahon na malalaman mo din na walang adobong sitaw sa Jollibee”
(The time will come when you’ll realize that Jollibee doesn’t serve adobong sitaw).
She described how JC eagerly anticipated the meal, clapping his hands and expressing gratitude by saying, “Yehey Jollibee sarap, thank you tita”
(Yay, Jollibee is delicious, thank you, aunt).
The viral post garnered over 45,000 shares, with many users finding joy in the boy’s innocence.
Some even commented on how the trick was a clever way to get children who dislike vegetables to eat them.
Hungriano explained in an interview with Pilipino Star Ngayon Digital (PSND) that JC was unwell and had no appetite when she prepared his lunch. She hoped that by pretending the meal was from Jollibee, he would be enticed to eat, even if it was just a few spoonfuls along with his medicine.
JC’s excitement upon seeing the food pack and his subsequent enjoyment of the “Jollitaw” brought delight to his aunt and online spectators alike.
Following the viral post, Hungriano shared additional photos on May 5, revealing that JC finally had an actual meal from Jollibee.
In the pictures, he can be seen posing beside the famous red bee statue, indicating his happiness and appreciation.
The heartwarming story touched the hearts of many, highlighting the innocence of children.
It serves as a reminder that even in simple moments, joy can be found, and the love and care of family can make any meal feel special.