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333: Third Largest, Third Generation, Third Culture; Evolving lifestyles of OFWs in the UAE through the years

With a population of over one million and more than 50 years of community presence, The Filipino Times will explore in this week’s edition the lives and evolving lifestyles of the new generation of Filipino families here in the UAE.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is not just a land of job opportunities for many Filipinos; it is also a place they can proudly call their second home. This is seen in the increasing Filipino population and stronger UAE-Philippines collaboration specially in trade and supporting the welfare of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs), among other key areas.

After fifty years, OFWs are rewriting their stories. They’re no longer just seeking jobs to remit money home; they’re pursuing greater aspirations like bringing their families to the UAE, investing their savings wisely, and giving their children a unique edge over others.

Now, Filipinos make up the third-largest group of expatriates in the UAE, among the 200 diverse nationalities residing in the country. Having made the UAE their home for many years, Filipinos found a new form of lifestyle.

Family members moving to the UAE

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Arcelie Buban, OFW for 11 years in UAE, with her son

Contributing to this growing population are OFWs who sponsor their family members to join them in the UAE. Now, children can also experience the same opportunities in the country while reuniting with their parents.

After realizing her son had been growing up without her for too long, Arcelie Buban decided to bring her first-born child to the UAE. Working abroad for more than a decade, she believed that her son could also take advantage of the benefits of living and working in the UAE.

“I worked hard and lived here alone na hindi ko namamalayan nagsisilaki na pala ang mga anak ko… Now we’re both working and living here together,” Buban, a receptionist, said.

Buban also highlighted there are growing OFWs like her who opted to bring their family here so they will be able to experience the same personal, professional, and financial growth she experienced here in the country. She added that with this, they also get to appreciate and understand the sacrifices of OFWs after moving in.

Saving and investing wisely

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Regeliza Casañas, civil engineer, OFW for 11 years in UAE

Just like Buban who saved up to bring her child to the UAE, many are also becoming financially literate, especially with the increased earning opportunities for OFWs.

Regeliza Casañas, a civil engineer, prioritized saving a portion of her salary and diligently paid government contributions, such as SSS (Social Security System) and PAG-IBIG (Home Development Mutual Fund) after finding a better-paying job in the UAE.

Eventually, she expanded her income through micro-business ventures like dropshipping and online selling. Casañas emphasized the importance of financial management for OFWs as her savings and investments helped sustain her family’s needs even during the pandemic.

“Keep on investing. It doesn’t matter if you start small; you just need to start. If you see the potential of the business opportunity being presented to you, take it. Then work hard, put an effort in establishing it, learn every aspect of it, and eventually, earnings will come,” she added.

According to the recent survey conducted by the organizers of the Philippine Property and Investment Exhibition, investing in property is a top choice among OFWs in the UAE, followed by investing in business, and insurance, reflecting their commitment to securing a better future both for themselves and their loved ones.

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More globally competitive Filipinos

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Nicole Marie Flores Valdez with her OFW mom

Aside from an increasing number of professionals and growing families, third-culture kids are also forming a new way of life for Filipinos in the UAE. Raised in a diverse environment, they can adapt, thrive, and be at par with global citizens.

Born and raised in the UAE, Nicole Marie Flores Valdez said her mom, an OFW for over 30 years, did not only succeed in her career but also in providing her with a good life by supporting her education.

As a “Gulf kid,” Valdez embraced a multicultural environment in the UAE, being exposed to various languages and literary works throughout her education, influencing her career choice as a writer. She said that this international background gives her an edge in the competitive job market.

Valdez also gives credit to her mother for shaping her “privileged” lifestyle today despite being a single mom.

As Filipino expats take advantage of the opportunities in the UAE, their stories highlight their resilience and dedication to succeed in securing a better life, not only for themselves but also for their families.

Despite having formed different lifestyles and taking different paths while working abroad, the common goal remains the same for OFWs—to provide a comfortable life for their loved ones whether it be by handling their finances more smartly, advancing in their careers, or reuniting after years of separation.

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