Conjoined twin Abby Hensel, famous for her TV appearances alongside sister Brittany, quietly got married to U.S. Army veteran Josh Bowling in a private ceremony last November 2021. Although news of the wedding is just coming out, pictures have been floating around online for almost a year.
Abby and Brittany share one body from the waist down, an incredibly rare condition, with only about one in every 200,000 births resulting in conjoined twins. Most conjoined twins are girls, but unfortunately, many don’t survive.
Despite being married to Bowling, it’s unclear how they’d handle having kids, given their unique situation. The twins share one body from the waist down, meaning all their organs, including the intestines, bladder, and reproductive organs. According to the experts, this means they can conceive a child in the usual manner, but it is not clear who the child’s legal mother will be.
For now, Abby is the stepmom to Bowling’s 8-year-old daughter.
The couple teaches fifth grade in Minnesota and gained fame after appearing on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” in 1996. Their story captivated audiences, leading to their own TLC series.