The Ajman Police has launched a new initiative allowing prisoners of the Ajman Punitive and Reformatory Establishments (APRE) to order their needs from the supermarket while inside their cells.
Through the electronic screens installed in their cells, inmates can simply input their needs, with a supermarket staff receiving all the orders.
With the new technology, delivering of the inmates’ needs from the supermarket can now be done less than an hour.
The electronic screens also allow the inmates to call their families.
Brigadier Mubarak Al Rezi, director of APRE, said that the new system is not only beneficial for the inmates but for the government as well. Not only does the system streamline the ordering service for the inmates, it also reduces the cost of the process as previously coupons had to be printed for the inmates to be able to place their orders.
The new system is still in its trial phase while both employees and inmates are being trained on its usage.