A Filipino girl has topped the YouTube channel’s ’20 Kids With Real Superpowers’ list.
The girl topped the “20 Kids With Real Superpower You Won’t Believe” list of YouTube channel Ultimate Fact with Emma Tablate from Iloilo City getting adjudged as top kid real “superhero” and dubbed as the “fire starter.”
“She could set up fire by the power of her mind,” Ultimate Fact described Emma.
There were reports back that the three-year-old Emma was capable of making fire by merely saying the word “sunog,” which is the Filipino word for fire.
The others in the list were: United Kingdom’s Aurelien Hayman whose super memory enabled him to even write what he ate, India’s Deepak Jangra, a then 11-year-old who could pass 11,000 volts of electricity pass through his body, USA’s Young Titus, who never missed a basketball shot; and China’s The Night Eye, a blue-eyed boy who has perfect vision at night.