
Mt. Mayon continues to belch out ashes, lava

(Courtesy: ABS CBN)

Mayon Volcano belched out lavas and ashes once again at around 5:02 a.m. today, January 23.

According to nearby residents, they heard rumbling sounds of falling stones from the ash fall that sounded like thunder causing them to leave their homes immediately.

Authorities have already ordered the evacuation of residents especially those who are residing within the volcano’s 8-kilometer extended danger zone, reported ABS CBN News.

Despite Mayon’s activity today, Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) stated that this is weaker compared to its explosion last night January 22, where it spewed 5-kilometer tall lava fountain at around 9:30 in the evening.

The agency immediately raised the alert level to four to caution the public and nearby residents. However, due to the volcano’s unstable state, authorities said that the alert level is still possible to reach up to level five.

So far, about 40,000 residents have already been evacuated by the authorities. This number could still balloon upto 80,000 if sudden eruptions continue.

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