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PNP bans anti-vaccine rallies

Photo by Robert Alfiler/PNA

The Philippine National Police (PNP) said that they would not allow any protests against COVID-19 vaccines. 

PNP chief General Guillermo Eleazar issued a warning against anti-vaxxers that they would not be allowed to hold future mass actions if they persist in putting at risk public safety against COVID-19.

“We cannot let freedom of expression excuse the group from violating the minimum public health standards and the alert level system we’re testing,” Interior Secretary Eduardo Ano. 

A group of anti-vaxxers, Gising Maharlika, staged a protest at Liwasang Bonifacio over the weekend claiming that the pandemic was not real and that the vaccines cause death to people. 

The group called on the government to stop some of its mandated protocols against the spread of the coronavirus, including wearing of face mask and the vaccination program against COVID-19.


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