
Omani family of five murdered by expats who fled country

An Omani family of five has been murdered by a group of Asian men who are believed to have fled the country two days after committing the heinous crime.

Police said on Monday they believe the murderers have fled Oman because there was a delay in reporting the murder to the police in the area.

Newspapers in the Gulf sultanate said the murder took place last week in the Eastern town of Badeya when some Asian men armed with knives stormed the house of Hamoud Al Baloushi.

They waited for Baloushi to come home then killed him along with his wife and three little sons; the report said.

In a statement on its website, Omani police said they are in touch with authorities in the murderers’ home country to have them extradited to Oman.

Newspapers said police have not yet specified the motive for the murder pending the completion of investigation.

Staff Report

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