
UAE to give free sim cards to workers

The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE) is giving away free sim cards to workers who will visit Tawjeeh centres in Abu Dhabi and Dubai to learn about their rights as employees and avail of different labor-related services offered by the ministry.

Those with the sim cards will receive messages from the ministry including details on labor laws and regulations in the UAE, reported Khaleej Times.

According to its website, Tawjeeh centres is an initiative of MOHRE to educate both employers and employees of the labor laws in the country.

“Tawjeeh centres are well equipped with guidance professionals to educate employees and employers about Labour laws and regulations, labour contracts and issuing work permits, distribute pamphlets and brochures printed in variety of languages with labour related basics,” the website states.

Currently, there are 14 Tawjeeh centres in the UAE – seven in Abu Dhabi and seven in Dubai. The government earlier announced that it will open another 23 centres by the end of the year.

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