A Dubai expat will be spending time in prison after a criminal court in the emirate found him guilty of beating his girlfriend and stealing money from her.
The assault happened two months ago, in October 2020.
Court records showed that the man, who was only identified as an African worker, physically assaulted his girlfriend whose nationality was not disclosed.
In his defense, the man said he came home from work one day and saw his girlfriend hanging out with two friends, offering him nothing and ignoring the fact that he was tired from work.
The prosecution, however, ruled that it could never be a person’s defense to assault a woman.
Aside from experiencing beating, his girlfriend also accused him of stealing AED6,000 from her purse.
She immediately reported the incident to the police which led to the arrest of the man.
UAE law considers domestic violence a serious felony, according to Hassan Elhais, legal consultant at Dubai-based Al Rowaad Advocates and Legal consultants. “UAE criminal Law lays down provisions for the crime of assault which is applicable to domestic abuse,” he said.
“Aggressive behaviour at home can incorporate sexual maltreatment, terrorizing, dangers or hardship in performing day to day human exercises and rights… You should confront the competent authority or lawyers in Dubai to impose strict penalties on the accused,” he advised women suffering from the abusive hands of their partners.
On his article published on the website mondaq.com, he said the country is a signatory to the UN Convention on the Elimination of any form of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).
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