
UPDATED: Who needs to apply for ‘move permit’ in Dubai?

UPDATE: A message from the Dubai Media Office has stated that even those who are in the vital and support sectors who were earlier exempted from having to secure the permit are now required to do so.
This entails that all those who plan to head out of their homes to purchase essential items, to get tested, or to head to work (for those in the support and vital sectors) must now secure their permit.
“The Supreme Committee of Crisis and Disaster Management in Dubai confirms that all members of the general public and employees in Vital and Support Sectors that have been exempt from restrictions must apply for movement permit via the website:
Earlier, the Supreme Committee of Crisis and Disaster Management in Dubai on Sunday night rolled out the new move permit for residents who seeks to go out during the restriction period for essential purposes.
The committee clarified that the movement permit website is for general members of the public who want go out for essential needs such as buying food and medicine, medical emergencies and for COVID-19 testing.
Individuals who seek to travel for essential purposes are required to obtain the move permit at
A 24/7 hotline is also launched alongside with the website to address the queries about the 24-hour restriction imposed and the disinfection program.

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