
Woman accidentally swallows her dentures while eating minced pie

A woman was enjoying her festive snack when she ate what thought was a tough piece of pastry.

Angela McGill found out that she had accidentally eaten her partial dentures.

She panicked and was rushed to the nearest hospital for an x-ray.

She was completely shocked to found out that her dentures were lodged halfway down of her throat.

The woman then waited 72 hours for her dentures to pass through her digestive system, flushing it to the toilet.

‘I think I made their day to be honest, maybe even their year. It was ever so funny!’ Glasgow said.

“Obviously I wasn’t going to be using that plate again–like I say, all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!,” she added.

The woman had lost her front teeth when a boy jumped in the pool, knocked her out, and then she clattered her teeth against the edge of the pool.

Staff Report

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