
22 pro-narcotic websites, social media accounts blocked by RAK Police

Colonel Adnan Ali Al Zaabi, Director General of the Anti-Narcotics Department, said RAK Police has embarked on a “round-the-clock” initiative that seeks to wipe out narcotics, which, so far, resulted in shutting down of 22 websites and many other social media accounts involved in promoting banned narcotics.

“All the websites that promote drugs are being monitored round-the-clock. Most of these portals are hosted in countries where there is no bn on trafficking these substances,” Al Zaabi said.

Al Zaabi said the blocked websites did not only sell drugs, but also promote narcotics among the youth, especially among people aged 14 to 20.

    The move also urges parents to protect their children against narcotics, which could result in health complications such as anxiety, weight loss, mental deterioration, and social problems.

    “It is not only the responsibility of law enforcement bodies to curb drugs. All members of the society should also realize their role in combating the drug menace,” he said.

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