
Why sitting is a silent killer

Spending too much time seated is linked to weight problems as well as greater risks of cancer and heart diseases, based on recent study of a Minnesota-based medical research group.

“Sitting is the new smoking”, says Dr. James Levine of The Mayo Clinic.

The researchers studied the sitting habits of 800,000 people over a 15-year period. The findings show that people who sat in front of their computers for more than four hours have increased risks of death by 50 percent and risks of heart attack, chest pain by 125 percent.

The researchers also pointed out that regular exercise didn’t counteract the risks of a sedentary lifestyle. “The solution seems to be less sitting and more moving overall,” said Dr. Levine as quoted by Inquirer.

Adults and children alike are also spending most of their days being inactive, behind a computer, television, or mobile screen.

“Children are losing their regular movement patterns, unlike the normal healthy development from running, doing the monkey bars, playing basketball or football. We are seeing a lot more back pain, headaches and conditions of postural dysfunction,” chiropractor Dr. Martin Camara said.

Extended periods in a sedentary position can slow down metabolism, a big trouble for blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and cardiovascular health.

Photo credit: Spindl

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