
What really happens after a relationship falls apart

Breaking up with someone you’ve been together with for a few months or years can be so devastating. If ever there is a song that describes what really happens after a relationship falls apart, it can be Charlie Puth and Selena Gomez’s “We Don’t Talk Anymore.” The music video of the song totally nailed the whole thing about the first few days and months after a break up.

Because knows that it’s just difficult to deal with cutting of a really important person in your life, they have provided articles to help you depending on the situation you are in.

1. For your college breakup. Juggling your breakup with your college responsibilities and more, so here’s something that might help you cope.
2. For when you finally decide to date someone again. Getting into the dating scene again after a while wouldn’t be easy, but maybe you also have to figure when it’s the right time to get into a relationship again.
3. For when you badly need closure. Sadly, not all people get the closure they need after a breakup. Sometimes, you’re just left with a lot of questions about why things have to happen.
4. For those times when moving on really gets hard. Yup, even after you feel okay, you’ll still have moments when you’ll feel bad.
5. For your non-breakup breakup. Because not all breakups happen between official relationships, we put together this playlist to keep you company.

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