
Bo Sanchez: Things that can destroy Filipino families

Spouses marrying another partner, unmonitored children neglecting their studies, frequent arguments over money – these are just some of the many burdens of overseas Filipino workers face today.

In an episode of “Fulltank”, lay preacher Bo Sanchez discusses a major ingredient in broken relationships: greed.

“Greed will destroy your family and you need to be on guard against greed,” he says.

Greed, in relation to pride, stems from thinking only of yourself and disregarding others.

You want to benefit, you want things to be done your way, so you do everything you can to achieve that.

That also means you’re not willing to trust God, Bo says.

“Greed comes when you do not trust God to provide for the best for your life,” he explains.

“The blessing that you need and you want, the real thing, the genuine thing, it’s already wrapped, it’s already being shipped with your name on it.

“It’s on its way but what happens if you want to take matters into your own hands, and, because you do not trust in God, you will disobey. You will violate the right thing to do,” he adds.

He tells a story of greed destroying families, of fights over inheritance, a situation he notes as common nowadays.

“Once upon a time, they were getting along but because of greed, today they don’t see each other. They see each other in court because they sued each other,” he shares.

But what is the secret to a good relationship with your family and friends? Bo gives his viewers a simple reminder.

“Three words: people before things,” he reveals. “If you put people before things, then you will experience unity and love in your family, in your relationships, in your friendships.”

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