
Bo Sanchez’ tips to success: ‘Big things come in small packages’

You may be working your first job abroad and you feel so small compared to others, but great things always start small, life coach Bo Sanchez reminds his viewers in an episode of Fulltank.

“Never look down on that small money.

“You’ve got to respect that small thing.

“You’ve got to respect that small start, that small beginning,” he says.

Sanchez shares that he taught his househelp to invest a small amount of money in the stock market every month.

“You know, the slow effort of investing, in eight years they became millionaires. Why? Let me tell you why. They respected that small amount of money,” he says.

He also gives his own ministry, the Light of Jesus Family, as an example. The Light of Jesus Family was built in 1980 by a few people.

“If, at that time, we looked at one another, what if we said this: what’s gonna happen with 20 to 30 people? Hello? You know, let’s give this up,” he says. “Did we do that? Thanks be to God we didn’t. We respected that small group of people and then we branched out and then we mushroomed.”

The Light of Jesus Family now has followers around Asia, the Middle East, the US, the UK and several other places in the world.

Sanchez believes that efforts do pay off in the end if we continue to trust in something bigger than us.

“Look at your small efforts and say that because of those small efforts, you’re gonna grow big,” he says.

Photo credit: Money Under 30

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