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KNOW THE LAW: Domestic workers in UAE can be engaged only on two-year contract

The domestic workers in UAE can be engaged only on a two-year contract and their wages need to be cleared not later than ten days after the end of the month.

The Dubai Public Prosecution has warned the families to abide by the law and not to get misled by false information from recruitment agencies. Hiring a domestic worker for six months is against the rule.

Ali Humaid Bin Khatem, Dubai’s Advocate General and Head of Naturalisation and Residency Prosecution said the contract has to be drawn for two years.

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Urging families to acquaint themselves with the UAE law on domestic workers, he said, “People should read the law and the ministerial decision number 22 of 2019 to make sure the rights of all are preserved.”

Besides treating the workers with respect and compassion employers are required to pay workers’ wages no later than ten days after the end of the month.

The domestic staff are also entitled to end of service gratuity amounting to 14 days of annual salary.

The employers are also required to notify authorities about their absconding domestic workers and will receive AED 10,000 refund if their former staff is found to be working illegally elsewhere.

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The person caught hiring the worker illegally will be fined with AED 50,000, from which AED 10,000 will be given to the sponsor. The sponsors can also redeem some of the costs of hiring domestic workers from agencies within the first two years if the worker absconds or didn’t meet the requirements.

The recruitment agency is required to return the entire amount the sponsor has paid and must also cover the flight ticket cost to send the maid back to her country. (AW)

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