In a devastating event on Monday, a massive landslide hit China’s Yunnan province, burying 47 people and claiming at least two lives.
According to a report from AP News, the catastrophe happened around 6AM, in the area of Liangshui in the northeastern part of Yunnan province. The Zhenxiong County publicity department announced that rescue missions were deployed to search for victims trapped in 18 separate houses, from which two bodies were recovered from the rubble.
As of writing, over 200 residents have been evacuated, as the Provincial Commission for Disaster Reduction initiated a Level-III emergency response for disaster relief.
In a Reuters report, almost 1,000 rescue workers and 200 rescue vehicles were dispatched to the scene. Zhang Guoqing, China’s Vice Premier, was reported to have taken the lead in the rescue operation.
The cause of the landslide is yet to be confirmed by the authorities.