
WATCH: Filipino inventor soars high after successful flight test of passenger drone

Many have been looking for new ways to resolve the traffic problem in Metro Manila and Filipino inventor Kyx Mendiola have thought about taking transportation to the sky.

This is not like the usual airplane or helicopter as this could be the first aerial vehicle that a person can use on a daily basis to go to the office, the mall, or somewhere else.

TIME Magazine’s Facebook page featured the first flight of Mendiola’s drone – the single-passenger EMAV, which stands for Electric Manned Aerial Vehicle.

The said reveal took place last September 23 in Batangas City.

What’s even more impressive is that Mendiola has no background on inventing or aeronautics as he was video introduced as a “professional hip-hop dancer and self-taught drone-make”.

Mendiola said that he will be partnering with Australian electric company Star8 to make the first real prototype of his invention which can make it a commercial reality.

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