
Will you hold on to someone who makes you feel this way?

A relationship is a never-ending roller coaster ride – there will be ups and abyssal downs. But, what if the roller coaster suddenly stopped and both of you got stuck at a certain low point? Is it time to get off the ride or wait until the roller coaster starts moving again?


It is hard to see your relationship beginning to fall apart, and it usually starts when one of you has gone cold. The spark is no longer there and everything just seems different.

Many will say that it is time to let go, but maybe your relationship just needs a little bit of fixing.

Why do relationships grow cold?

Time is a great factor in a relationship because it can either make or break it. As time passes by, tendency is that couples will either grow more with each other or get tired with one another.

If it is the latter case, Sociologist Clifford Sorita shared the three main reasons why.

• Lack of intimacy that is caused by not spending enough quality time with each other.
• Lack of communication that leads to not speaking and sharing experiences with each other.
• Lack of historicity or forgetting memories and why the couple got together in the first place.

Should I stay or go?

“Ang relasyon naman ay hindi tulad ng mainit na kanin na kapag napaso ka ay iluluwa mo na lang.”

Sorita said that when a certain relationship is starting to grow cold, a couple should not just break up immediately. There is a need for them to fix it and hold on to what they have as much as possible.

He also said that there are three main ways on how to do it:

• Retrace your steps
Couples need to remind themselves of their pasts and why they got in a relationship in the first place. If you think your relationship is slowly going downhill, you would need to recall memories that strengthened your relationship.

• Rekindle your love
There is no harm in going back to how you two were when you were just starting. You look at each other as a new couple and bring back the old days. Make time to go on dates, buy each other gifts, etc. This will remind you of how happy you two were during the beginning of your relationship.

• Seek professional help
Sorita said that marriage and relationship counselor can give expert pieces of advice on how to make a relationship work despite the conflict that is going on between the couple.

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