
Jackie Chan calls infidelity ‘a serious mistake’ in revealing memoir

“Never Grow up,” This is not the usual Peter Pan fairy tale where the lead simply refuses to be a responsible adult.

It is his tell-all memoir, Jackie Chan admits to committing domestic violence, infidelity and alcohol abuse. He even frequented a brothel where he had a constant favorite whom he codenamed ‘Number Nine’.

All of these were products of his addiction to alcohol. “I drove drunk all the time,” Chan wrote, sharing he went through a phase known as “one before lunch, one after lunch.”

“In the morning I’d crash my Porsche, then in the evening I’d total a Mercedes-Benz. All day long, I went around in a haze,” said the “Drunken Master” lead. Once when he was drunk, he got into a brawl with his son with wife Joan Lin.

In his younger days and at the height of his career, a teenager girl fan committed suicide upon learning that Jackie Chan is going to get married.

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